David Graff Biography

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David Graff

David Graff

Artist Statement

For nearly two decades, my approach to my art has been very much rooted in the materials and processes I use and the place I live.

Working in gilded media, I love exploring the possibilities inherent in the use of transparent colour over a surface that reflects light in such a dynamic way. Living on the west coast, the constantly changing light informs our everyday lives both practically and emotionally. The dynamic interaction between light and the natural elements that surround us leads to an understanding/appreciation of the fleeting nature of time, and an opportunity to revel in the fact that each day is an opportunity to start anew, to embrace all that we are offered.

In the way that my materials are highly reflective, my aim is to invite inspection of the dynamic play of light within a piece, prescribing, through its elements, a path to inner reflection. I’m constantly challenging the ability of my materials in order to capture the fleeting feelings of being in the natural world. Inviting the viewer to experience form and texture in a setting that embraces the capriciousness and happenstance inherent in the media I employ is constantly exciting and challenging.