Dongmin Lai Biography

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Dongmin Lai


Dongmin Lai is an accomplished internationally renowned oil painter. Painting in what could be described as an Old Master, almost Rembrandt style, Dongmin demonstrates a mastery of brush work that is beautiful and spontaneous.  Many of his works depicting life in rural China may appear almost medieval in its apparent lack of modernization.  

Born in 1959 in China, Dongmin received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Beijing Teacher's University and studied at China's Academy of Fine Arts.  Two of his paintings were chosen for the Museum of the Chinese Fine Art Association's permanent collection. In the time Dongmin has been in Canada his recognition has grown rapidly.  

Dongmin’s work is well published and has won numerous awards. It is represented in several galleries across Canada, in the Beijing National Capital Museum, and in collections in China, Singapore, United States and Canada.